MicrobeCalc - to be used with 16S Microbiome + ITS NGS Assay
For the assessment of the number of samples that can be sequenced with the used sequencing chemistry, the calculation of the sample pooling, and the assistance with the sample sheet generation, please refer to the ViennaLab MicrobeCalc™ Excel file.
spreadsheet Start MicrobeCalc™ Rev2.0
For the older version of the assay (16S Microbiome NGS Assay), please use the MicrobeCalc below:
spreadsheet Start MicrobeCalc™ Rev1.4
PanelCalc - to be used with Hereditary Cancer NGS Assay, Somatic Mutations NGS Assay, CES NGS Assay
Make use of the PanelCalc and the SampleSheet Generator - a tool to support you in calculating the final library molarity and to prepare for sequencing.